This is one of several ponds on the property.
Those are Rock's ears. Everything is green and flowering, but in a short couple of months all will be golden and dry. (brown and dead) It doesn't rain here in the summer and we actually may have had our last rain already.
The trail meandered through several pastures and meadows, along very old trails and cattle fence. No cattle are currently run on this land.
It was quite dusty later in the day. Seems much too early in the year for dusty trails. I believe the Midwest and east coast has gotten all of our rain.
Jerry and I were riding "drag", that is we were the last riders and our job was to watch ahead and make sure all was OK . We carried 'walkie-talkies' to communicate with the "trail boss", let him know if any rider/horse was having difficulty, if he needed to stop or slow down a bit. This was toward the end of the ride and old Remington is ears forward, chomping at the bit, eager to keep going, not liking the stop for a Kodak Moment.
What a gorgeous barn! You have such beautiful trail out there, I'm all kinds of jealous.
Ole Remington looks quite eager to get on with the moving forward part, what a couple of handsome fellas.
when the caretaker of that barn gets tired of her/his job, I'll do it!!! di :)
Wow, what a difference when you go out with real cowboys.
Sure love the barn, looks more like a big house. Beautiful trails also. Wonder why the people don't want to live there, all the time, so beautiful?
Hope kids got there fine, NO problums. So happy for them. Enjoy their visit. "Amy, will get job, Everyone think positive all the time."
I take it Jenn and girls will be out in summer?
Take care, OX, "Hi Jerry, Amy and Tristan"
Wow... that is one fancy barn!!
I haven't been trail riding in forever.
I was blog hopping and found my way over here. I love finding new farm-type blogs to read!!
That's a barn? I'd like to live in a barn then.
Kathy, YOU are exempt from any vet comments. I'm just broke. I did find some droncit from fosters&smith today, YEAH!
If my crazy poodle survives being a puppy, FBO's in belly/throat, worms will be the LEAST of her issues. I love your surgery posts and you are very skilled. Professionals should get paid, of course!, but where I live they are stinkin ridiculous!
Do electronic flea repellers work?
I get nurse questions a lot. I promise to keep it to a minimum. I saw these electronic flea gadgets and haven't ever heard of them.
How's the visit with the FAMILY?
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