I'll start at Thanksgiving. I took time off work to spend some time with Jerry. I was thinking maybe a day trip or two, going out for dinner perhaps a movie, long walks in the park (not really). Jerry thought it would be great to spend quality time together. The following five pictures illustrate our very basic differences of that concept.
Our front yard on Thanksgiving weekend. Tristan is working hard and has a happy face.
Sure he has a Happy Face because he gets to play with the big boy toys.
Jerry also has a happy face. He rented this toy for the weekend. He controls it from the bucket, it goes up and down, sideways, backwards...... It allows him to reach all of the dead and dying tree branches that need to come down.
Our quality time together involved me, with my cell phone set to speed dial 911, carefully watching how close the toy and Jerry came to the power lines. OSHA would not have approved; there were no hard helmets worn, no safety lines attached, and the cowboy chain saw operator would stand on one leg leaning way over the basket to reach limbs. I also got to haul the cut limbs out of the way. Be glad you cannot see my 'happy' face.
I also got to set out orange traffic cones and stand out in the road to prevent cars from crashing into the toy. One neighbor did drive by and he laughed at me for the cones, but he does crazy things on his property too.
The limbs were all trimmed, the yard cleaned up, and a new pile to burn is ready. Next time I'll have to communicate better when I take time off work to spend time quality with Jerry.
You know, something exciting and unexpected that captures full attention.
Preferably not so unexpected that the urge is to run in the opposite direction.
The most fun often comes from unexpected sources.
A barrel of monkeys is always good for a laugh.
There were exciting games and some proud moments.
The Placerville Christmas Parade is an annual event we participate in. My part is taking pictures. Jerry is riding my mare Rock and packing Christmas on Remington.
Our riding club won first place in the equestrian entries.
Jerry, Rock and Rem.
Good try Jerry.... too small.
Searching for the perfect Christmas Tree.
Our best ever Christmas tree set up smack in the center of the house.
Even Billy the Kid thought we had the best ever tree.
Peaceful winter evenings; a Grandson, a book and a cat.
This where we spent Christmas day. High in the Sierra, on the slopes, until the chair lifts were closed down due to heavy, gusting winds in the early afternoon.
Out on the town with good friends on New Year's Eve. This was a notable part of the holiday decor in one of our finest local dining establishments.
The Cowboy's winter project. A roof addition on the barn.
The Cowboy's winter project. A roof addition on the barn.